The Second Get-together Training Week (19-23 September 2022)

September 6, 2022

This one-week training entitled: ‘Get-together’ is part of the second leg of the π.
Last April, we had the first trainingweek of 5 specific ‘Get-together’ programme events scheduled every six months. The purpose is to guide the postdoctoral fellows by coaches with as final goal -at the end of their trajectory-to present their impact case to a broad audience existing of fellow researchers, professors, and a community of relevant stakeholders.

The agenda of the ‘Get-together programme’ foresees a one-week training starting first with progress presentations by the postdoctoral researchers followed by feedback sessions (only for postdoctoral fellows and supervisory and management board).
As of the second and following days, dedicated training sessions focusing on specific aspects have been set up. These comprise: Project Management, Work-life balance in Academia, Intellectual Property and Developing an impact case for researchers. All these trainings are open to external researchers/entrepreneurs.

Are you interested in attending this training week? Download the full programme, and you can register here.

Programme location: VUB TechTransfer office, Pleinlaan nr 11, 1050 Etterbeek

The MSCA-COFUND-IMPACT programme managers