The third Get-together training week-February 27

March 6, 2023

Presentations by MSCA cofund impact fellows about their achievements, research progress and future plans…

Welcome by Program Manager Philippe Westbroek, PhD

After a warm Welcome Word Philippe took us on the MSCA-cofund Impact journey and showed us were we are on the program timeline. Currently, we are taking our step in the First Call on month 22nd .

MSCA-cofund impact timeline

This week we dive into the trainingsweek Get Together nr. 3 and have some interesting trainings ahead. This month we will also get the results of our Research Pitching based on our 3-minute video/movie clips which the fellows prepared in collaboration with SciMingo.

There are some exciting activities in the pipeline such as: working on a MOOC, preparing the MSCA overview of achievements consisting of published papers, conference participations and starting secondments. Moreover, at ERIS, we are also preparing a workshop on Proposal Development and Grant Writing which we will include in our Trainingsweek nr. 4.

Communication and dissemination are running smoothly through our monthly newsletters, social media, and website updates.

Finally, we are thrilled to prepare and announce the Second Call of the MSCA-COFUND Impact program which will be launched next June followed by the evaluation in August. New postdocs (probably more than 10) will know their results by December and will start at VUB between January and April 2024!

Announcement of Second call next upcoming June

As usual Philippe boosted and wished us: “Good luck with your presentations, training workshops and business case development training! Enjoy the Week!”

Presentations by

Leonidas, Stefan, Yanjuan, Saimum, Ante, Luiza, Johannes, Milos, Georgios

Lots of research progress was presented, with lots of passion and commitment. If you want to find out more about their topics, we suggest that you directly contact the researchers.

What impressed me a lot was the real cross-fertilization during the questions’ sessions stimulated by all participating fellows.

Many fellows shared their own research methodology, answered a lot of questions on how they were tackling issues, and tried to balance between their research and practice.

I am thinking about the role of policy and politicians in social entrepreneurship, the lack of engagement during project presentations and or survey-questionnaires. Yet, besides some disappointments, there was also the expressed excitement of upcoming secondments worldwide and in combination with many new collaborations.

Stay tuned for our updates on their research achievements, and see you on the next newsletter!