Get-together training week (25-29 April 2022)

We are happy to announce the first of five training weeks entitled: ‘Get-together’.

April 6, 2022

This one-week training entitled: ‘Get-together’ is part of the second leg of the π.
There will be 5 specific ‘Get-together’ programme events that will take place every 6 months.
Postdoctoral researchers will be guided by an impact mentor and will at the end of their trajectory present their impact case to a community of relevant stakeholders.
This ‘Get-together programme event’ foresees a one-week training starting first with progress presentations by the postdoctoral researchers followed by feed-back sessions (only for postdoctoral fellows and supervisory and management board). As of the second and following days, dedicated training sessions focusing on specific aspects such as: impact development, entrepreneurship, development of postdoctoral individual impact cases and transferable skills will be organized and open to external researchers/entrepreneurs.
On completion of this one week training event you’ll walk away with an interactive learning, an enhancement of new competences -skillset and mindset- and finally an in-depth understanding of the π-concept of theMSCA-COFUND ImπACT programme.

Are you interested in attending this training week? Download the full programme and you can register here.