Title of the project: 3R-IMPACT: animal-free food safety evaluation
Description of the project: Many hospitalized patients, especially in intensive care units, receive parenteral nutrition. However, a number of concerns have been raised regarding possible adverse effects of parenteral nutrition on the liver. The present project will elucidate the mechanisms underlying these presumed hepatotoxic effects by incubation of parenteral nutrition and its various ingredients in next generation human liver-based in vitro models combined with a wide spectrum of analyses at the transcriptional, translational and activity level. Overall, the outcome of the present project will shed more light onto the hepatotoxic potential of parenteral nutrition and will demonstrate the power of animal-free and human-based in vitro experimentation for chemical risk assessment purposes.
Nationality: Serbian
VUB department and supervisor: Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences; prof. Mathieu Vinken
Starting date: 01/02/2022
Meet our Fellows: Miloš Mihajlović
January 26, 2022