Meet our Fellows: Chukwuebuka Eze

We are happy to announce that Chukwuebuka has joined our MSCA-COFUND ImπACT programme starting 15 April 2024.

April 19, 2024

Title of the project: Exploring exposure to real-life e-waste chemical mixtures (W3E-imπACT)

Description of the project:

My research project will employ ultrasound-assisted extraction methods that selectively partition the chemicals in the West African e-waste soil into fractions. The obtained fractions will be screened in a cutting-edge human liver-based and mechanistically anchored (AOPs) in vitro test system, evaluating steatosis and cholestasis, the two most prevalent types of liver toxic effects, under the supervision of Prof. Mathieu Vinken. Therefore, the project aims to enhance our understanding of the e-waste pollution issue in West Africa, raise awareness about the severity of the situation, and improve the methods used for assessing and characterizing e-waste-related chemical pollution in affected ecosystems. As such, the project is uniquely positioned to contribute to the international governance of risks from hazardous chemicals.

Nationality: Nigerian

VUB department and supervisor:

Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences (FARM)

Prof. Mathieu Vinken

Starting date: 15 April 2024