Title of the project: 3DCP A novel concept for guiding the mix design of 3DPC with the-low carbon recipe
Description of the project: This project will offer a new concept of 3DPC mix design that the strength criteria and carbon emission criteria should be satisfied at the same time. The successful implementation of the project premise that fabrication of low-carbon concrete composites with customized pore structure as well as freedom of mix design can indeed feasible, which will have a significant impact not only to the field of 3DPC but can also affect the neighboring disciplines, in particular the development of AM (additive manufacturing) in the future.
Nationality: Chinese
VUB department and supervisor: Physical Chemistry and Polymer Science (FYSC), prof. Hubert Rahier
Starting date: 01/02/2022
Meet our Fellows: Yanjuan Chen
January 19, 2022