My project
Mistletoes live as parasitic plants on the stems and branches of many different species of trees, from which they obtain most of their nutrients. Despite being parasites, mistletoes play a key beneficial role in both natural and urban ecosystems. These plants enhance the cycling of nutrients in the soil, ameliorate local temperature conditions, provide food and nesting sites for several animals, and increase overall biodiversity. Moreover, mistletoes might also be beneficial to their hosts by supplying them with nutrients during periods of water stress. In my current research, I investigate the ecology and physiology of mistletoe-host relationships across urbanization gradients. I am interested in how water and nutrient exchange between the two plants is affected by climate and land-use changes. To understand these processes, I combine field and laboratory work with the analyses of specimens in natural history collections. Results from this project will furnish a better understanding of how global change affects the biology of keystone species. Data gathered during this project will also help generate better management practices for mistletoes, with the ultimate goal of increasing the benefits brought about by these plants and decreasing their negative impact on urban trees.
My publications
Teixeira-Costa, Luiza, Mason Heberling, Carol Wilson, and Charles Davis. “Parasitic flowering plant collections embody the extended specimen”. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 14.2 (2023): 319-331.
Teixeira‐Costa, Luiza, and Kenji Suetsugu. “Neglected plant parasites: Mitrastemonaceae.” Plants, People, Planet 5.1 (2023): 5-13.
My events and conferences
Citizen Science Networking Day. Bruges, Belgium. 15 November 2022.
My videos
Enemies with benefits: positive effects of mistletoes
Plantas parasitas: conectando espécies e integrando estudos:
My recent scientific awards
Innovation Mobility Programme. EUTOPIA. 2022.
MSCA-COFUND imπACT Postdoctoral Fellowship – 2022 – Vrije Universiteit Brussel – 2-year grant (start 01.07.2022)
My Professional Service
Reviewing/Subject/Guest Editor for different scientific journals:
Applications in Plant Sciences – Frontiers in Plant Sciences – Plant Systematics and Evolution – Plant Ecology and Evolution – Botany – Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)
My social media activity
Twitter: @l_teixeiracosta